Have you heard Montessorians talking about Nido, Nido Community or Nido program? Do you know what ‘Nido’ is?
The word ‘Nido’ means ‘Nest’ or ‘Nesting’ in Italian. Maria Montessori used it to describe the learning environment for babies from birth to around 15 months old when they can walk independently. Montessori Nido setting is a warm welcoming space for very young Children to explore safely and freely. It is filled with age-appropriate materials that are designed to foster concentration, independence, freedom of movement, fine motor skills and language development. If you are considering choosing a Montessori day care for your Child, it is likely that She will be placed in the room called ‘Nido’.
Dr Maria Montessori believed that “Education must begin at birth”, and Montessori Nido is a great start for your baby.